We aspire to integrate sustainability in every aspect of our business to continue creating shared value with our stakeholders - communities, customers, employees, and investors.
We practice the highest of ethical standards and professional code of conduct in the way we do business, even if no one else is watching.
We exhibit our passion for excellence in the way we deliver our services to our partners and customers.
We do our best to be proactive to the needs of our stakeholders to help empower them in improving their quality of life.
We advocate for sustainable development as our way of upholding our role as a responsible corporate citizen.
We are guided in our pursuit of our goals through our commitment to fulfill God’s will.
We are driven by our commitment in shaping our impact on society, the economy, and the environment.
We are constantly making effort to respond to the country’s ever-evolving energy needs and making it more reliable, accessible, and affordable.
We are dedicated to uplift the lives of Filipinos through reliable power that fuels the growth of our economy.
We believe in creating value that lasts, for our planet and for future generations.